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\ .. o_ /
| || || |
| Welcome || || _ ___ _o |
| Announcements || || | | |...| |.| |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || ...in ancient times...a secret meeting....twelve men and women in long robes || | | |.o.| |.| |
| Web Client || with strange hats covered with magical runes meet....they gather around a stone || '-' '---' '-' |
| Clients || table covered with strange symbols...One of them begins to speak, the others || \|
| Quickstart || follow...you can feeld the air densen, magic gathering, filling the room...blue || \|
| Wait, What? || electirc discharges jump around the stone...suddenly the air opends into a door || |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || to another place and you see from high above onto a battlefield. || |
| Races || || |
| Guilds || One of the archmages at the table suddenly is encrivled with blue light, he || |
| Map || blinks with his eyes and jumps into the door. The woman nect to him follows and || |
| Lore || so the whole circle goes. On the other side of the dimension door you see the || |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || first mage throwing fireballs at the band of trolls while the second woman || |
| Who's online? || strikes with white lightnings at a dragon which stomps around the village. As || |o
| Finger || soon as the mages arrive they start a firework of lightnings, fireballs and || |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || elecrtic discharges. Spririts and shadows are summoned attacking the enemies || |
| The Guide || inflicting major damage on them. But the battle is not won. The enemy || \|
| Player Help || recognizes the new danger to his plans and suddenly thirteen firedemons attack || |
| The Sky || the group of archmages. With their power of hell they crash into the archmages || |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || hitting them hard. Although the archmages are able to defend this sudden attack || |
| Imprint || you see that some are heavily wounded. And the battle just begun. The legendary || |
| || battle for Salam.... || |
| || || o|
| || Who are the Archmages? || |
| || || |/
| || Archmages are an ancient class of mages. They are the last ones from an old || |
| || secret circle of mages. These mages manage to achieve superior knowledge of all || |
| || magic arts. But nobody still knows their secrets. The archmages are the last || |
| || scholars of these mighty mages. They also have superior knowledge of the all || |
| || magic. They are able to use nearly all spells available in this world. How to || |
| || become an archmage is not known. They are still a very secretive circle hiding || |
| || their knowledge. || |
| || || |
| || Classes || |
| || || |
| || The archmages are one of severel mage classes in Nightfall. All mage classes are || |
| || part of a greater community. Therefore it is possible from certain levels on (in || |
| || the case of archmages this is of higher level and more difficult) to learn a || | o
| || second or even third mage class. To be able to do so you need to go to the || |/
| || guildmaster of the other class and ask him or her about learning that class. If || o s|
| || you are allowed to you can from now on learn also their spells, but from higher || o / /x|
| || level on than a real member of that class. Archmages have no restrictions on || \/ __o/xs|
| || which classes to learn. || \/ \xx|
| || || \ \s|
| || Guild quests || \ /x|
| || || nmsxxsx|
| || There are no guildquests. || xsxxxmxs| .
| || || sxmxxxxmx| -_|=
+---------------++----------------------------------------------------------------------------------++----nmsmmsmmmxmS ./_|=|_-_