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HH |---------------++----------------------------------------------------------------------------------++---------------|
| || || |
| Welcome || || _ ___ _o |
| Announcements || || | | |...| |.| |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || In Nightfall, each player is a member of exactly one guild. You can change your || | | |.o.| |.| |
| Web Client || guild if you want to, but you will lose some experience, and if you change back, || '-' '---' '-' |
| Clients || you might have forgotten some of your former skills, too! So choosing your guild || \|
| Quickstart || wisely is very important, and you should have settled for one by the time you || |
| Wait, What? || reach about level 10. || |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || || |
| Races || Each player starts out in the Adventurer's Guild, where they will be taught the || |
| Guilds || most basic elements of survival. While adventurers are masters of living in the || |o
| Map || wilderness, regardless of whether it is mountainous or covered in trees, they || |
| Lore || are not great fighters, which is why most players choose to join a different || |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || guild after they reach level four. || |
| Who's online? || || |
| Finger || The guilds of Nightfall can be categorised into three groups: The first is || |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || composed of pure mages, the second of those who are physical fighters at heart || \|
| The Guide || and the third of a select group that employs both nearly-magical weapons and || |
| Player Help || swordplay to best their enemies. || |
| The Sky || || |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || In particular, there are: || |
| Imprint || || |
| || - Mages || |
| || Archmages, Conjurers, Enchanters, Illusionists, Necromancers and Sorcerers || | o
| || || |/
| || - Fighters || o s|
| || Paladins, Rogues and Warriors || o / /x|
| || || \/ __o/xs|
| || - Others || \/ \xx|
| || Adventurers, Bards, Druids, Psionics, Rangers and Vampires || \ \s|
| || || \ /x|
| || If you want to know more about the background of these guilds and how they came || nmsxxsx|
| || about, have a look at lore and in particular at The History of Guilds. || xsxxxmxs| .
| || || sxmxxxxmx| -_|=
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