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      | Welcome       || 
Guilds: Bards
|| _ ___ _o | | Announcements || || | | |...| |.| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || '... the warrior tightened his grip on the pommel of his huge two-handed blade, || | | |.o.| |.| | | Web Client || as he continued through the dark, damp tunnels. Step by step. He carefully || '-' '---' '-' | | Clients || placed one foot in front of the other. Too many things had gone wrong. All of || \| | Quickstart || his comrades had been slain by the countless creatures they had encountered on || | | Wait, What? || their perilous way. He was alone now. But he knew he was close. Very close. Had || | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || to be. The den of this damned dragon had to be here! Streams of sweat from below || | | Races || his battered helmet ran down the knights forehead, the salt burning in his eyes || \| | Guilds || and in the countless wounds he had suffered. Another turn. And another. And yet || \| | Map || another. Each minute that passed felt like ages to our brave hero until - || | | Lore || suddenly! - the tunnel openend up - like the jaws of hell! - into a gargantuan || | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || cavern. The blood that still remained in the body of the knight withdrew from || | | Who's online? || his face! There! Down there in the centre, lying on heaps - No! HILLS !! - of || \| | Finger || gold and silver was... the ANCIENT RED WYRM!! ...' || | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || || | | The Guide || Gadran the bard paused, letting his eyes wander over his audience. The otherwise || | | Player Help || so lively and smokey pub was silent. His listeners had gathered around the oaken || | | The Sky || table he had jumped on, respectfully keeping a distance so the narrator had the || | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || space he needed to perform.Townsfolk, fighters and mages alike, all stood || | | Imprint || completely enthralled by the bard's tale, mouth and eyes ajar. || | | || || o| | || 'What happened then?' 'Yes! Go on! How big was the dragon?' 'Did this guy get || | | || all the treasure?' '..Nay! I bet the dragon roasted that stupid knight like a || | | || can over the fire! Hahaha...!' The crowd laughed. 'C'mon, Gadran! Continue!' || | | || || | | || The bard reached for the mug of ale the innkeeper offered him and emptied it || | | || with a few deep swallows. His audience urged Gadran to go on. The bard simply || | | || loved these moments so he took his time, carefully wiping the foam from his chin || | | || with the silken scarf of a fat merchant who was standing right next to his || | | || table. The crowd cheered. || | | || || | | || 'Well, our pale hero stood there in entrance of this huge dragon's cave as the || | | || wyrm opened his mouth, which was filled with hundreds of sharp, daggerlike teeth || | | || ...' The people held their breath, || | | || || | | || '... and let out a deep thundering laugh! Well met, my friend! It's been a || | | || while!', roared the dragon and blew little clouds of sulphurous smoke into the || | | || air. You can imagine the puzzled look on the warriors face. Friend?? But then he || |o | || made out another figure that stepped out from the shadows below the dragon's || | | || tentlike wings. 'Indeed, Dargyvrmm Zshy`llar! Haven't seen you for some time, my || | | || scaly friend. Your guardian creatures get more and more annyoing everytime I || | | || come here for a little chat.' The slender figure wiped his long blade || | | || clean. Both he and the huge reptile grinned. 'I'm sorry for this little || | | || ...ermm... inconvenience, but there are simply to many greedy people that are || |/ | || keen on disturbing an old dragon's slumber. ', Dargyvrmm replied. He picked a || | | || huge ruby ring from his hoard and handed it to the man. 'Take this || |o | || dragonring. It will help you to get here more easily next time. But tell me, || o| | || little human, what news have you brought me this time?'. Smiling into the || | | || direction of the warrior at the entrance, who shook his head in disbelief, the || | | || figure made himself comfortable on the dragons's treasure. With a gracious || |/ | || motion he produced a harp from beneath his colorful cloak and began his story || |o | || ...'. || | | || || | | || Gadran stopped and jumped from the table, deeply bowing to his audience. || |o | || || | | || 'Awwwww, c'mon Gadran! Tell us more!'. 'Yes! Tell us who this other hero was! A || |o | || powerful mage? A warrior? Who was he?'. 'Next time, my friends, next time', the || |/ | || bard replied with a sly smirk on his face. 'But before you spend all your money || |/ | || on mead, I'd be honored if you had appreciated my perfomance'. Saying this he || |/ | || passed his feathered hat around and some of those who weren't too drunk might || |o | || have spotted a red ring on the bard's finger... || | | || || o| | || Guildquests || | | || || | o | || Level 5: Free Seymour. || |/ | || Set Seymour free so that he can leave his shop and become a bard. || o s| | || || o / /x| | || Level 10: Help the bard elder with the last opera of Ernie. || \/ __o/xs| | || Ask the Bard Elder about Ernie to find out what to do. || \/ \xx| | || || \ \s| | || Level 15: Learn more about crafting instruments. || \ /x| | || Find somebody who crafts instruments, get an instrument from him and bring it to || nmsxxsx| | || the Bard Elder. Bought or found instruments are not accepted. || xsxxxmxs| . | || || sxmxxxxmx| -_|= +---------------++----------------------------------------------------------------------------------++----nmsmmsmmmxmS ./_|=|_-_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~