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      | Welcome       || 
Guilds: Sorcerers
|| _ ___ _o | | Announcements || || | | |...| |.| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || ... Summer thunder rolled around the sandy cliffs. Far below the ocean roared || | | |.o.| |.| | | Web Client || and waves high as houses roll against the cliffs. High on top of the cliff a || '-' '---' '-' | | Clients || man, slim and tall wearing blue clothes decorated with silver symbols stands his || \| | Quickstart || hand pointing toward an mighty dragon. Suddenly the air fills with magic energy || | | Wait, What? || and becomes opaque around his hands. It discharges in dozens of blue white || |o | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || lightnings which shoot out from his hands towards the dragon. The dragon roars || o| | Races || and cries in pain. Already wounded to death the dragon breathes magic fire onto || | | Guilds || the mysterious man. But the fire only flows around the sorcerer without hurting || | | Map || him at all. The dragon collapses and falls down the cliffs into the ocean. || | | Lore || || | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || Slightly smiling on his clear victory the magician turns around and stalks || | | Who's online? || away. But only twenty paces gone he stops, turns around and sees himself || | | Finger || confronted with yet another dreadful enemy, the companion of the slaugthered || |/ | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || beast. He dodges a mighty blow of its tail and collects his magic energy. So || \| | The Guide || lets fight again as done so many times before he thinks before shooting yet || | | Player Help || another magic lightning at the dragon... || |o | The Sky || || | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || Who are the Sorcerers? || | | Imprint || || | | || Sorcerers belong to the class of mages in Nightfall. They use magic for || |/ | || fighting in combat and therefore most of their spells are of offensive nature. || | | || || | | || Classes || o| | || || | | || The sorcerer are one of severel mage classes in Nightfall. All mage classes are || | | || part of a greater community. Therefore it is possible from certain levels on || | | || (usually every 15 levels) to learn a second or even third mage class. To be able || | | || to do so you need to go to the guildmaster of the other class and ask him or her || | | || about learning that class. If you are allowed to you can from now on learn also || o| | || their spells, but from higher level on than a real member of that class. || \| | || Sorcerers have no restrictions on which classes to learn. || o| | || || | | || Guild quests || o| | || || | | || Level 5: Find the legendary cross of the deer || | | || Somewhere near crescent lake lives a deer with a cross between its antlers. You || | | || might need a spell of the sorcerer guild to fulfill your task. Offer the cross || | o | || to the guild. It will gladly accept it. || |/ | || || o s| | || Level 10: Find the lost spellbook of Ebenezum || o / /x| | || In a hill near Dark City are the caves of the kobolds. Next to them are the || \/ __o/xs| | || caves of the trolls where you can find the spellbook. To get past the trolls you || \/ \xx| | || should find another way than fighting. I know that trolls like eating || \ \s| | || sandwiches. Together with the spell- book you'll find a singing sword. Bring it || \ /x| | || to the old hermit behind the waterfall in the Northern Mountains to prove that || nmsxxsx| | || you have found the spellbook. || xsxxxmxs| . | || || sxmxxxxmx| -_|= +---------------++----------------------------------------------------------------------------------++----nmsmmsmmmxmS ./_|=|_-_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~