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      | Welcome       || 
Guilds: Warriors
|| _ ___ _o | | Announcements || || | | |...| |.| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || UAHHHHHHH!!!!, you scream loudly and resolutely, whirling your impressive sword || | | |.o.| |.| | | Web Client || around your head. With one strong hit you cut off the head of the fierceful huge || '-' '---' '-' | | Clients || dragon. It pushes out a last fire cloud and its body sinks down to the || \| | Quickstart || ground. Skilfully you sheathe your sword. || | | Wait, What? || || | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || Tick Tick Tick Tock ... || | | Races || You look around but you see nothing. It sounds like a fight from somewhere. || | | Guilds || Tick Tock Tock Tick ... || o| | Map || You quickly pick up the head from the ground and put it into a huge sack. || | | Lore || You think to yourself: || | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || Now you won't kill innocent virgins anymore!! The King will be happy when || | | Who's online? || I'll bring him your head and he can be sure the danger is over. || | | Finger || Tick Tick Tick Tock ... || | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || Tick Tick Tick Tock ... || | | The Guide || || | | Player Help || A harsh voice shouts: NO! Not the right dummy ... LEFT .. I said left!! Like || | | The Sky || this you will never become a real warrior! || | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || || | | Imprint || Slowly you recognize that you are not || o| | || fighting a fiercefull dragon. You were || | | || only dreaming. Tiredly you try to open _)_(_ || |o | || your eyes, but it must be terrible early /o..o.) __ || o| | || in the morning. A huge sunray is shining /....._))) /..\ || | | || through the small window directly on '/\/\/ )))) /....\ || | | || your bed. You watch the dust dancing in %%% ))))) /.O.&&.\ || | | || it and the room smells a bit musty and %%%%% ))))) /........\ || | | || it is humid. You are lying on a wooden, %%%%%% )))))) /.%&.....O.\ || | | || uncomfortable bed, which is kit out with )))))/...../\..89.\ || | | || straw. It's itching you everywhere. But )))))))))))))\_...\ || |o | || who says that it will be a holiday to /../ \..\ \_..\ || | | || join a warrior guild for an /../ \..\ \_4\ || | | || apprenticeship. With twinkeling eyes you Y Y Y Y Y Y \_\ || | | || watch the scenery outside through your || | | || window. || \| | || || | | || It seems to be a wonderful early moring. The sky is blue and the sun already || | | || warms up. Some hardly equipped people are fighting against each other watched by || |/ | || another, who is obviously their teacher. Some others are busy fighting with || | | || wooden dummies. Your body starts to prickle all over. You can hear the sound of || |o | || the steel swords ... Tick ... Tick ... You feel the desire inside you rising. || |o | || One day ... , you think. One day I will be a strong warrior and I will fight || | | || against evil dragons and bandits, who make this world an unsafe place. || |o | || || | | || A loud knocking against your room door kicks you out of your dreams. Alarmed you || | | || sit up in your bed and quickly ruffle the straw out of your hair. You wipe your || | | || eyes tiredly. An angry male voice shouts from behind the door: 'Hey, you lazy || | | || boy! All are already on their feet ... Do you think you will become a warrior || | | || while sleeping? I want to see you outside in ten seconds. And don't forget your || | | || training sword and the helmet you got yesterday!' You mumble to yourself: 'That || | | || was clear ...' You take your sword and your helmet and hurry to the training || | | || place. || | | || || o| | || It is a huge place. Like an arena, with many dummies and several smiths are || | | || repairing broken weapons. Some of the training people really look || |o | || impressive. They wear weapons and armours you couldn't even carry. || | | || || | | || One of the trainers yells angrily in your direction: Hey!! You sit down on that || | | || bench over there. and don't dare to move or touch something, you will only hurt || | | || yourself. I will call you when I am ready with this young warrior. || | | || || | | || You don't know why, but deep inside you know that this is the beginning of a || | | || wonderful career. You look around searchingly for the bench. You choose the one || | | || near the impressive looking warrior, hopeing you will catch some hints by || | | || watching him training. On the bench you recognize a small book, which seems to || | | || be very old. No words are written on the cover and you cannot hide your || | | || curiousness. || o| | || || | | || You open the book and start to read: || | | || || |o | || Adrenaline coursed through his veins as the battle filled his thoughts. Years of || | | || training reinforced him as he planned his next parry, thrust, or dodge. He was a || | | || warrior, a fighter, an avenger. A strong heart forced the blood through his || | | || veins; His mind, a series of strategies, maneuvers, and forms. The winged helmet || | | || he proudly wore on his head served as a constant reminder to himself and others || | | || that he was a fighter through and through. || | | || || | | || Interested, you turn the page and read further... || |/ | || || | | || He had the talent to wield a sword, a knife, an axe, a hammer- the skill to || |/ | || parry, identify weapons, and repair them. The very scream that came forth from || | | || his mouth paralyzed the enemy. He was not without friends, comrades, allies. The || | | || bond which stayed them together wasn't just one of a guild, but one of a heart || | | || for their hearts all throbbed together with the blood of combat- the || | | || exhilaration of the fight. || |o | || || | | || You cannot stop reading, so you turn to the next page ... || |o | || || | | || The warrior needed not magic, religion, or blood. He needed no motivation except || | | || that he was what he loved. In his dying moment, he remembered all that he had || | | || learned from Growsko, his leader, and from all of the guildleaders. He || | | || remembered the feeling of experience he had gained through his years, and the || | | || quests that he had completed to save whatever he thought important. Even though || | | || the thrill of battle would never again be felt by his corpse, his soul- forever || | | || the soul of a warrior- would remain strong and would joy in the battle of death || | | || and relish the combat of life. || | | || || | | || A harsh voice shouts angrily: Hey you, book-worm! Come over here, it is time now || |/ | || to make you to a real warrior... You close the book, take your sword and walk || | | || over to the dummy. The trainer smiles slightly. He says: O.k., first you have || | | || to know that .... || |/ | || || | | || Who are the Warriors? || | | || || o| | || The warriors are experts in all kinds of weapons and in physical combats. And no || | | || doubt, they are good to have as friends when you are stuck in a dangerous || |o | || fight. A damaged weapon? No problem when you are a warrior. Repairing them is || |o | || one of your skills you learn in a warrior guild. They are strong and courageous || | | || fellows. The battle is their life. || |o | || || | | || Guildquests || | | || || | | || Level 3: Slay the Jabberwocky. || | | || Find Lewis Carroll in the western mountains of Atlantis, and see if he can offer || o| | || aid in finding and slaying the powerful Jabberwocky. || | | || || | | || Level 5: Bring a black stone to the guildmaster || | | || Somewhere below Nightfall-City is a rat with a black stone. Kill that rat and || | | || return to the guild with the stone. Give the stone to the guildmaster and you've || | | || solved this quest. || | | || || \| | || Level 7: Bring a bear's claw to the guildmaster. || | | || Somewhere near Crescent Lake is a cave where you can find a bear. Kill that bear || | | || and return to the guild with its claw. Give the claw to the guildmaster and || | | || you've solved the quest. || | | || || | | || Level 9: Go to England and meet King Arthur || | | || Everyone should go once in his life to England to meet King Arthur, the famous || |o | || King and the knights of his table round. But there seems to be a problem to || | | || enter the hall. || | | || || | | || Level 13: Help King Eric to get rid of the dragon. || | | || King Eric of Lorinia needs your help. Go to the marketplace of Lorinia and read || | | || the poster for more information. || o| | || || | | || Level 16: Become a knight. || |o | || Go to Ireland to Benwick Castle and ask Sir Gahmuret how to become a knight. He || \| | || might be able to help you. || | | || || | | || Level 18: Light the beacon in Port Atlinten. || | | || Rumour says that the beacon of the Atlinten lighthouse burned down and noone || | | || dared to light it again. The ships coming from all over Nightfall need the || | | || beacon to reach Atlinten safely. It would be great if you could light it again, || |o | || but you should know that it is dangerous and maybe you will lose your life on || | | || the attempt to do that! So only start this quest if you feel good prepared. || | | || || | | || Level 19: Capture the LAG-Monster! || | | || The LAG-Monster has escaped from Nightfall zoo. Your task is to find it and || | | || capture it. Its last known whereabouts is the sewer in a town called Faps. To || o| | || get there you'll have to find a terminal in woodland and lo in at TappMud as || |o | || guest. There you'll have to solve seven little quests for seven wizards on that || | | || MUD. They will let you pass if yousolve a special part of the quest. There is || |o | || also an oracle which can help you finding some items. || | | || || |o | || Level 23: Return the lost weapons of the kings. || | | || Find the castle in the orcish mountains. There is an old man who can tell you || | | || more. It may be helpful to get some help for the fights there. || | | || || | | || Level 26: Find the sword of Kas. || | | || Find Shadowalker in the slums of Vecna to learn more. || | | || || o| | || Level 30: Fight the troll king! || | | || There is a troll king living in the hills of Vecna. Find and defeat him. || |o | || || | o | || Level 32: The Hand of Vecna. || |/ | || Rumors persist that the wise sage Althuben has discovered a parchment that || o s| | || details the whereabouts of the legendary Hand of Vecna. Seek out this wise soul || o / /x| | || in the rainbow kingdom. || \/ __o/xs| | || || \/ \xx| | || Level 40: Face the gauntlet! || \ \s| | || Journey to the temple of Strone near the village of Sindel in Vecna's realms. || \ /x| | || Are you brave enough to answer Strone's challenge and survive the gauntlet? || nmsxxsx| | || Brindle will be able to tell you more about this quest then. || xsxxxmxs| . | || || sxmxxxxmx| -_|= +---------------++----------------------------------------------------------------------------------++----nmsmmsmmmxmS ./_|=|_-_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~