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      | Welcome       || 
Lore: The Battle at Crescent Lake
|| _ ___ _o | | Announcements || || | | |...| |.| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || After the last humans had escaped from Nightfall City the orcs started to loot || | | |.o.| |.| | | Web Client || the buildings. While his soldiers kept plundering, king Veltins cut off the || '-' '---' '-' | | Clients || heads of Sir Marvin, Tares, Ploi and many other brave men and stuck them on || \| | Quickstart || lances. He ordered some orcs to march in the first row of the army carrying || | | Wait, What? || those lances when they'd set out for Crescent Lake where general Romulus was || | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || fighting against the elves. Veltins thought that it would lower the morale of || | | Races || the elvish troops if they'd see that the orcs were able to kill some of the || | | Guilds || greatest human knights and mages. || |/ | Map || || | | Lore || After a long day of plundering the conquerers of Nightfall-City started to || | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || celebrate their victory. Many barrels of best wine ran through the throats of || | | Who's online? || orcs who didn't know what kind of delicacies they were drinking, for orcs are || | | Finger || unable to taste even the difference between best wine and insipid beer. When || | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || the orcs were drunken quite a lot of them became very aggressive. They had no || o| | The Guide || captives which they could maul and it didn't take very long before many tussles || | | Player Help || between them had started. In that night more orcs were killed than during the || | | The Sky || conquer of Nightfall-City. || | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || || | | Imprint || King Veltins might have been able to keep his men away from killing each other, || |/ | || but he was lying under a table with a mighty intoxication. When he woke up the || | | || next morning his soldiers had already brought aside the dead bodies of their || | | || comrades and he didn't notice that the rows of the warriors had cleared a || | | || bit. The only thing he noticed was that the wine of those damn humans wasn't as || | | || harmless as he thought. His head was aching like never before. He was not in the || | | || condition to march down to Crescent Lake, but he was to haughty to show that to || | | || his underlings. He ordered his captains to tell them that they would stay || | | || another day to find the last of the treasures that might be hidden in || o| | || Nightfall-City. The soldiers searched for treasures with great eagerness while || o| | || His Majesty tried to cure his headache. || | | || || | | || When the next day broke and the red sun rose out of the waters of the Azur Ocean || | | || the orcs' army set of to Crescent Lake. King Veltins marched in the middle of || | | || his troups as usually. He was too important a person to march at the front or || | | || the rear where one could easily be killed by the arrows of elves who might be || | | || hidden in trees. It was of course His Majesty himself who thought that he was so || | | || important. His soldiers would have liked it much more if he had marched in front || | | || of the army. Some of them even hoped that an elven arrow would kill him, for || \| | || Veltins had no son and so the strongest of his generals would become king after || o| | || his death. || | | || || | | || It was near midday when they saw the first smoke rising to the south-west. They || | | || had passed the border to the elven kingdom and had left half of the way to || | | || Crescent Lake behind them. When Veltins saw the smoke he ordered to send a scout || | | || to find out what was happening in front of them. Two hours later the scout || \| | || returned and reported that Romulus' army had burned down a village called || | | || Glastonbury. He had found neither sign of orcs or of elves. || | | || || | | || Meanwhile General Romulus' army was fighting against the main force of the elves || | | || at the western shore of Crescent Lake where the Forbidden City was located. The || | | || Forbidden City was the only huge city of the elves. It had been entirely built || | | || of wood and the houses and streets were not on the ground as in common cities, || | | || but high above the ground at the tops of the trees. || |o | || || | | || That was the reason why the elves were winning the battle. The clumsy orcs had || | | || never climbed trees before and the elves could easily shoot hundreds of them || \| | || before a few managed to reach the city. Some orcs tried to burn the trees, but || | | || Romulus, just in time, prevented them from doing so. It wasn't such a good idea || | | || to burn down a forest while still being inside it. The battle continued for || | | || hours and hours and while two thousand orcs died only five hundred elves got || | | || killed. Romulus had lost half of his army when he decided to retreat and shoot || o| | || burning arrows at the houses of the For- bidden City from a secure distance. || | | || || | | || Fear got a hold of the hearts of the elves when they realized that they had no || |/ | || choice but to leave the security of their city and face the orcs which still || | | || outnumbered them by several hundred. || | | || || | | || || | | || At this point the half-elves entered the fray. No one could ever tell where they || | | || really came from. Some say they were the descendants of humans and el- ves who || | | || had benn caught by the orcs in the great war two centuries ago and were forced || |o | || to carve endless tunnels into the rocks of the Northern Mountains in which the || |o | || orcs were building a big city. Rumor had it that there was an up- rising of || | | || those slaves and lots of them escaped from the orcish caves. It was said that || | | || they fled to an island. Humans and elves lived together in peace on that island || | | || and married each other, but that is just a rumor. Nobody knows if it's true. It || | | || is just known that the half-elves came by ships from the Sea of the Unfulfilled || |o | || Dreams. || | | || || | | || Among them was a wise seer who had advised them to arm themselves and sail to || | | || the old continent, for the time had come again that the orcs had left their || | | || caves to bring war upon the world. He foresaw that the elves would be extirpated || | | || if they didn't get help from the Pereldar (which is how the half-elves call || |o | || themself). Many Pereldar thought that these were nothing more than the words of || | | || a mad man, but Joern, their king believed in prophecies and ordered to arm all || | | || men and set out to the old continent. || | | || || | | || The army of the Pereldar arrived at the Forbidden City just one hour before king || | | || Veltins and his troups arrived there, too. And there, between the trees of the || o| | || Elvenwood, the greatest battle in the history of Nightfall was fought. During || | o | || that battle the Forbidden City was burned down and Randyandy the king of the || |/ | || elves and sovereign of the realm of the halflings was badly wounded. His First || o s| | || Adviser Feanor took over the command and enabled some other wounded elves to || o / /x| | || escape and bring their king to the halflings. The battle continued two days and || \/ __o/xs| | || sometimes it seemed as if the combined forces of the elves and half-elves could || \/ \xx| | || prevail against the still superior forces of the orcs, but in the end they had || \ \s| | || to retreat. And they fled to the Isle of the Magi in the middle of the Crescent || \ /x| | || Lake and broke down the bridge to the mainland behind them. The orcs had no || nmsxxsx| | || boats to follow them so they were safe. But for how long? || xsxxxmxs| . | || || sxmxxxxmx| -_|= +---------------++----------------------------------------------------------------------------------++----nmsmmsmmmxmS ./_|=|_-_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~